Term 3 week 2 reading

Hello bloggers,

WALT: know the meaning of some prefixes

This week  i read the book the pet day problem. the story is about Josh not having a pet for pet day then he came up with some pets for pet day. (by the way: they were worms.) I am in group one in Miss Ronald’s reading groups. The book we read is called: the day of the time tunnels. I am happy with my create tasks i think i did really well. Please post a positive comment. from then on goodbye bloggers. Have a lovely day. I hope you do

my animal slides

hey bloggers

i am back with a slideshow about red pandas and i want you to look at it and post positive comments my class looked at endangered animals and i chose a red panda do type about. goodbye bloggers.


hey bloggers! i am back (AGAIN!) with a canva panda video and i talked on a microphone so you can hear my voice and make you be a star for listening to me!!!!!! 🙂 and i hope you enjoy my video! ( if you do like it comment and be kind!!!!!!!!) bye bloggers

Panda by Lilly Rastrick

Jaguar slides

-Hi bloggers 🙂

i´m back with a canva brochure about jaguars and I don´t think it is very complete but i love learning about animals because i love all living things such as trees,birds,puppies etc . we used a canva brochure template to write this. i started by taking notes and grouping ideas  – Lilly

jaguar brochure by Lilly Rastrick

cool pixton comic

hey you!

i made a pixton comic for you actully it is for me! hahaha! so we have been learning about animals lives And i made a pixton about exitant animals this is the laughing owl. the laughing owl was a animal that died in 1916 long time ago right!