Taskboard (MATHS)

Hi bloggers!

This afternoon’s task was to do some prototec. Prototec is like a basic facts sheet, but a little bit harder. But in the end, It all worked out. The task was really fun, and I loved to answer all of the questions. it took me 20 minutes to get up to stage 3. i hope you do like it and i will see you in the next blog  post for this week and for 2025.  i really do hope that you like it as much as i do now and also just a quiche reminder please please please can you encampment feedback on my work. OK enough from me here is my prototec photos: bye bye bloggers,

Taskboard (WINTER SPORTS!)

Hi bloggers!

Today we started a taskboard, and I started to do the Winter Sports.

But all the year sixes got their first choice, so yay for us year sixes. I started with Hockey, because it is one of my fav sports. My reasons were:

Because it is a fun and an extreme sport. Because I LOVE hockey and played it last year. I have all the gear.

My reasons for Volleyball were: Because I played it last year. It was fun to compete against other teams. I loved doing the shooters job when it was my turn.

My reasons for Netball were:  Because I have never played except with Mrs Lee. It looks like a fun and easy sport. Because I liked learning about Liz Watson and how shy she was before she played Netball.

The task we had to do was a sports selection, so we had to choose our favorite ones, and then do three reasons about why we should get put into the sport. So the reasons I put up there, those were my reasons. Did you like them? What would you choose? Make sure you comment your response below. Enjoy learning  about these fun and easy sports!

Bye guys!



Reading Wk 4

Hi bloggers!

This term we are doing poetry as our topic. FUN FACT: Poetry is one of the oldest forms of communication, mostly used in Africa and Ancient Egypt. These poems were hunting poems.

The first task was to record yourself saying one of the poems. I chose the I wish poem. It was one about the zoo. Here are the words of the poem.

I wish i was an elephant cause it would make me laugh to use my nose like a garden hose to rinse myself in the bath.  I wish i was a chameleon chameleons are the best id change my color and life would be fuller for a change is as good as rest. I wish i was a dolphin dolphin would be my wish leaping and splashing id be very dashing and swim along with the fish. I wish i was an ostrich  all ostrich would be grand but if i got scared would i be prepared to bury my head in the sand. I wish i had more wishes but now my game is through i’m happy to to be quite simply me enjoy the day at the zoo

Here is my Canva video.

The second task was to make a word search.

My Line Graph (Kids Zone)

Hi bloggers!

Today we used a new app called kids zone!

You can use it to make line graphs, bar graphs, etc. But today we did line graphs. It was really fun to customize the settings to make them how you want them. I used the basic colors, Pinks and purples. It was fun to fiddle around, making your work look awesome! If you want to use this awesome website, here’s what it’s called.

National Center for Educational Statistics.

If you want to get to where I was, search up Early childhood.

If you love math, make sure to go onto this awesome website!

So first we had to make sure to be specific, doing all the little details, such as the x/y axis. You need to make sure that it’s clear. But then we had to do the title etc. Bye guys!


Adobe Express (My Avatar)

Hi bloggers!

This is my first blog post of 2025!

Today we learnt how to use Adobe Express for Education! We started with Miss H’s template, and had to change her writing, her Avatar, and her backdrop. We had to be specific, because how would an AI know what we looked like, am I right? But we all had to fiddle around with the page, because Miss Ronald would not appreciate it if we copied Miss H’s. So that is all I have to share with you amazing bloggers!

Goodbye guys!

Lilly’s Avatar