Hi bloggers!

In week 5 and 6 Tania and Abe from Breathing Matters came to kereru. Session one was all about the  Spinosaurus. We learned that being a Spinosaurus means that your spine pops out and that is not good. So Tania and Abe taught us some yoga poses. The first ones were the  Three Warrior poses. The affirmations for these were I am strong, I am powerful, and I am brave . In the second session we learnt that yoga is as simple as ABC. That stands for Always Breathe Correctly. Then we did more of the warrior poses.  We learnt two buddy poses.  Then we had some relaxation time when Abe chimed a chime to make us relaxed. And that was basically the end of yoga for Kereru. Now it is Ruru’s turn to have fun with Tania and Abe


I loved the poses and seeing Tania and Abe. Mostly because they were really funny. Once Abe even mentioned Grease the movie by accident. I wish they could come again. THANKS TANIA + ABE!!!!!

Bye Bye Bloggers


One thought on “Stand Tall and Breathe

  1. Hello Lilly
    It’s your dear old friend Tahlia
    I had a look at your video and it had lots and lots of detail in it
    But maybe next time for the first slide maybe you can make it a bit shorter because it took awhile to finally get to the next slide
    But other then that it was so cool because on the first slide there was very very cool pictures
    bye bye Lilly

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