Kia Ora Amazing bloggers!
The Walt for this week is Read for sustained periods independently.
We are reading chapters Letters, Emails, Facebook, texts – Rehearsal.
The first task was to write two paragraphs on when you have showed Courage, Kindness, Friendship, Character.
Here they are.
I showed Courage when I used my self confidence when doing something scary for the first time. I showed Kindness when I met someone on my first day of school called Tahlia. She was new like me.
I showed friendship when I met some new people on my first day of school at WPS. They all showed these values. They were all friendly and nice. I showed Character when we did our Living Springs camp show night. Me and my cabin group put on a play called The elves and the shoemaker.
The second task was to answer these questions.
- I haven’t fallen out with a friend before. What makes a good friend are all of those values I talked about before.
- Julian’s mom photo shopped the class photo with Auggie in it. She did it because he looked different from everyone else.
- Jack felt like a dork being frozen by all the boys at Beecher Prep. I felt sad when I read the story.
The Walt for this week is Compare and Contrast within texts.
The first task was to either research Star wars, or research hearing aids. Then we had to make a poster on all the facts. I chose to do hearing aids. here is my poster.
The second task was to answer the comprehension questions.
- August doesn’t like the parent/kid events at school because he doesn’t want other parents to talk to his parents.
- August was terrified of getting hearing aids. None of the stress was needed, though.
- The family was really upset about Daisy dying. Last Christmas, one of my grandparents’ dogs died. Her name was Gabby.
The last task was to make an apology note from Jack to Julian. (Much to my disgust, I didn’t want to talk to him.)